Title & Link to the Story Intended Location in the Storyline Comments
Jimmy O'Brien on the Track At Spring Track Tryouts during Eddie, The Junior Year Mr. O'Brien watches as Jimmy gets embarrassed once again.
Mr. Crum's Ficidulator At Spring Track Practice during Eddie, The Junior Year Mr. Crum's Car Gets Messed With
Say Goodbye to Mr. Crum During Eddie, The Sophomore Year Mr. Zunde takes care of Mr. Crum in an Unusual Way
Mr. O'Brien vs. The Tribe During Eddie, The Sophomore Year Mr. O'Brien takes on the tribe
Mr. Frazier's Motivational Speech During Eddie, The Collegiate Sophomore An adaptation also appears in Eddie, The Senior Year.
How to do Homework (Milana Style) During Eddie, The 25 Year Reunion AKA, how to have more time at the end of the school day
Naming Musical Instruments During Eddie, The 25 Year Reunion Milana's English Paper
The Story of Scott McCutchen Could have appeared anywhere How Scott McCutchen got involved in gambling


Excerpts (Obviously contain spoliers, but no big deal)
Title & Link to the Story Description Book in the Series
A Game of Dodge Ball When Eddie was in the sixth grade Eddie, The Early Years
Chuckie's Suntan Chuckie's infamous suntan attempt Eddie, The Freshman Year
Mr. Frazier's Performance Review Mr. Crum evaluates Mr. Frazier's performance Eddie, The Freshman Year
A Social Studies Confrontation Mr. O'Brien takes on Eddie, Mark, and Braden Eddie, The Sophomore Year
A Lopsided Football Game The freshman vs. sophomore football game Eddie, The Sophomore Year
Lunchroom Confrontation When the school year started Eddie, The Sophomore Year
Music Compositions Eddie's and Braden's Musical Talent Eddie, The Sophomore & Senior Years
Superfluous or Verbose? During chemistry class Eddie, The Sophomore Year
Erika vs. Chuckie How and when Erika and Chuckie became adversaries Eddie, The Junior Year
Mr. Crum's Ass Kicking Mr. Crum gets his ass kicked Eddie, The Junior Year
Jimmy O'Brien's Folly Jimmy O'Brien, the supreme idiot Eddie, The Junior Year
Hazing: Not Allowed Fuels the fire between Mr. Crum and the tribe Eddie, The Senior Year
Physics Test A Physics test gone bad Eddie, The Senior Year
Erika vs. Terry Haynes Erika vs. Hanyes - Guess who won Eddie, The Senior Year
Braden's Turn Chuckie goes down again Eddie, The Senior Year
Braden Gets His Ass Kicked? Chuckie and Goldstein attempt to kick Braden's ass. Eddie, The Senior Year
That's the Problem with You! Eddie reprimands McCutchen and Leggett Eddie, The Mechanic
Braden's Field Goal Braden kicks a field goal Eddie, The Mechanic
A Day at the Pool Conversations at the county pool Eddie, The Mechanic
McCutchen in the Classroom McCutchen makes a fool of himself in the classroom Eddie, The Collegiate Sophomore
Paula's Jeep Gets Hit The way we used to handle insurance adjustors Eddie, The Collegiate Junior
Jimmy O'Brien's Flat Tire Jimmy O'Brien gets a flat tire. Eddie, The Collegiate Senior
Kathy and Paula at Graduation Kathy and Paula's chat during Eddie's graduation Eddie, The Collegiate Senior
Annual Track Coach Meeting The (Comical) Annual Coaches' Meeting Eddie, The 25 Year Reunion


Snippets (Make a Little More Sense if You Know the Characters)
Title & Link to the Story Description Book in the Series
Running into a Tree Mark's little mishap Eddie, The Early Years
Hearing Someone Being Quiet Angelo examines Kathy's Porsche 914 Eddie, The Sophomore Year
Metric Time Juniors mess with the Sophomores Eddie, The Sophomore Year
An Overfed Elephant? Mr. Crum takes on Mr. Zunde Eddie, The Sophomore Year
The Pussy Factory Mr. Bogenskaya tells Mr. Crum like it is Eddie, The Sophomore Year
Bobby B, Orders Dinner It's what Bobby B. ordered Eddie, The Sophomore Year
Acme Kathy's confrontation with Mr. Crum Eddie, The Junior Year
Barbed Wire Another Kathy - Mr. Crum confrontation Eddie, The Junior Year
A Bra Snap Chuckie snaps Erika's Bra Eddie, The Junior Year
How to Draw Blood Kathy's wisdom Eddie, The Junior Year
Is He Okay? Mr. Crum make a fool of himself Eddie, The Senior Year
Automobile Repair 101 When to rebuild an engine Eddie, The Mechanic
Avoiding Questions Braden returns Eddie, The Mechanic
I Ain't Perfect! Braden finally admits he is not perfrct Eddie, The Collegiate Freshman
A Plane Crash Messing with McCutchen Eddie, The Collegiate Freshman
He's from Babylon A private discussion between two coaches. Eddie, The Collegiate Sophomore
Technicalities Mr. McCutchen gets a lesson in physiology Eddie, The Collegiate Sophomore
Boastful Jimmy O'Brien Another case of one-upmanship Eddie, The Collegiate Senior
Naming the Hammer How the hammer got its name Eddie, The Collegiate Senior
The Perpetrator Found Captain Hayes in court Eddie, The Ten Year Reunion
A Problem with a Pipe Organ Solved by Axel Braden. Eddie, The Twenty Five Year Reunion
Turnabout is Fair Play Dr. Leighton vs. Dr. Gregory Eddie, The Twenty Five Year Reunion


Short Stories Within the Eddie, The Mechanic Storyline
Title & Link to the Story Story Book(s) in the Series
Milana's Story Milana (Eddie and Kathy's Daughter), and Her Band Eddie, The 25 Year Reunion
Kathy's Porsche 914 How Kathy got her Porsche 914. Spans Several Books. Eddie, The Sophomore Year and Beyond